J is for Jumping

Her stomach quickly tied itself into knots as she fell down yet again only to quickly switch directions and be shot back up skyward higher and higher each time.

She screeched every time she was sent upward causing bouts of laughter from her brothers. “Stop” she shouted again and again as she tried to scramble to get off.

Her please were met with laughter and another double bounce.

“Stop it you guys!” she pleaded with tears in her eyes.

Finally they stopped long enough for her to go to the edge of trampoline and scamper down the side.


H is for Haunted

It’s finally here! Now I can relearn my alphabet and go in order again! 🙂

H is for Haunted

A melodic laughter is heard by a young boy playing alone in the sand box his mother not ten feet away chats idly with another mother of three who’s children are clambering all over her to get to what she hasn’t yet dug out of her purse. The young boy looks to his mother to see if she had heard it but then the sweet feminine voice began to taunt him joyously “You can’t catch me!”

The boy refusing to turn down such a challenge from a girl probably covered in cooties begins to follow the sweet voice into the woods. His legs pump furiously to catch up to her, he is certain she is just ahead above the next tree.

“I’m going in!” she screams as he comes out into a clearing looking up at a huge mansion, the front door slams shut.

The statues stare down at him waiting for him to make a move. Slowly he ascends the stairs, he twists the doorknob tenderly and the door creaks open with ease. Cautiously he steps over the threshold and into a dark room made darker by the dust and board covered windows and years of dust piled up on sheeted furniture. He walks surely following light footsteps. Suddenly there is silence he stops and listens for a sign of which direction to follow her instead he hears the terrified shrieks of a girl and scratching on the walls around him. His blood turns to ice as he scampers to hide in a corner praying that whatever is making her scream and those awful scratching noises will not find him.

The screaming and scratching stops almost as suddenly as it started and is quickly replaced with music so beautiful he cannot help but to follow it to find the source of this lovely lullaby. He follows the melody up the large staircase and into a bedroom. The boy is grabbed so quickly he doesn’t have time to scream. The door bangs shut, as blood pools out from under it.

The music stops.

All is silent.

Then a young girl’s giddy laughter is heard…




Busy Busy Busy

So things have been really busy the past couple of days so I haven’t been able to put up “H is for…” yet but I will get to it, who said Horror had to be before Halloween?

Hopefully things will calm down soon and I can actually sit down and get things done, especially since I’m trying to do NaNoWriMo at the same time. For those of you who dont know about NaNo should go check it out! ( www.nanowrimo.org )

But I guess thats just my update for now. I’ll write more when I can 😛
